I follow the writings of my friend's mother in the NH Mirror. Her column is called the Single Cynic. It makes me laugh. I wrote a reply and much to my surprise, it was printed in the June edition. Here's an excerpt from what I wrote...
I was driving home from work the other day, talking to one of my "coupled" friends. She was complaining about how she doesn't have time to herself... How she is always busy, and I'm so lucky not to have a man in my life who takes up my free time.
Meanwhile, she is planning her August wedding.
As I listened to her babble on and on about how "totally rough" it all is, I looked at the spring beauties that I was driving past. I was thinking about the symbolism of them. Birth, togetherness, coupledom, marriage, new beginnings. The birds, flowers and little furry animals all seem to show hope...
Then Mother Nature gave me a blazing sign of where my romantic life is at the time. A huge, ugly turkey vulture swooped down to land near my car. I don't know if you've ever seen them, but turkey vultures are probably the ugliest, scariest, most nauseating creatures on the earth.
And that isn't even mentioning the fact that they are carrion birds.
Suffice it to say, I finally got it. YES, I'm single. Mother Nature has too much of a sense of humor for my taste. I think I need to look for signs of spring in a city from now on.
Now this isn't to say I'm bitter about the whole single thing... More to say, I laugh very hard at it... Then I get over it and hang out with my friends.
Please comment and share... You know how I love to know what you are thinking.
The Tallgurrl