School: My assigned track for school is Fall/Winter. This kinda posed a problem, as I had planned to start in January. But I'm going to leave my job instead. I've reserved an apartment across the street from the fitness center, and down the hill from campus. Sent an email to one of my future roommates, but got no answer. Guess I'll have to just call each and every one to figure out who is bringing what for the kitchen. (I'll be stuffed if I am going to provide the apartment with everything. I am so NOT Kitchen Etc.) Also, I registered for classes-including my Beginning Russian class. Got my financial aid package. It wasn't as much Pell Grant-age as I wanted, but I did get some subsidized student loans. The bulk will still be unsubsidized, but next year should be more promising. All in all, I am very pleased with my upcoming move. I'm giving my notice next week at work, and will use the last week of August to pack, sell, give, and throw out my stuff.
Dating: Only dated one guy this summer, and he was "special." Not a Mormon, he and I discussed frankly the fact that our "relationship" such as it was, was going to go nowhere. Biggest reason was my move, but in the end religion is a deal breaker. Anyway, it was entertaining and on occasion irksome to be with him. (I need to name this guy too... Let's call him Himself.) Himself believes that he is God's gift to women. So hot that no female can resist, he flirts and dates, etc with anything over 18. I failed to mention that he is 45. Now, I never told him my age. I let him assume that I was in my early 20s and occasionally teased him about his elderly-ness. We would get together for outdoors type stuff. Think hikes, beach walks, and the such. We were to have a date 2 weeks ago, but he kind of blew me off. He texted me during my work day, and then said he'd call me to firm up our plans for the afternoon/evening. When he didn't call, I figured he changed his mind. Then I didn't hear from him for a few days. I knew he wasn't that busy. He was on vacation for another week and we'd made tentative plans to get together a few times during that. With that knowledge the assumption went that either he was in the hospital(which he wasn't), or just wasn't that into me. I figured that his attitude and the blow off made it necessary to take him down a peg. *Disclaimer: I am not a perfect person, and did tell a blatant lie to this man, and I would do it again.* I texted him, with the attitude of being candid and chatty. He voiced remorse for messing up our plans. I decided to take things further... I told him that since he didn't get back to me, I thought he had lost interest. Then I told him that I went out and found a woman who was interested and I was with her... I know this is a huge lie, as I don't bat for that team, but it just seemed right at the time. The next woman he dates will appreciate what I did. If he has half a brain, Himself will learn that even if he is embarrassed, losing touch and momentum with a lady you proclaim an interest, especially one so much younger than him, will result in a loss of the lady.... His response to the text was priceless. He just said "K". That story will NEVER get old! In the interest of my leaving so soon, I've decided to declare a fatwa on my dating life. Any going out for the rest of the summer will be with my friends, and then only in a group. I would hate to start something that I couldn't finish.
Calling: So I'm looking to being released in the next week or 2. So glad! I'm trying to de-stress my life as I wind up to moving West. I've learned a lot during my time as El Presidente. Delegation is called of God and is to be used... Liberally. Counselors are called to do a job, so let them and don't make it the "me" show. It is important to speak up when you feel a prompting. Learning a new skill will help you to make new friends and open doors that were closed before. When listening to someone who is asking for a confidante or for advice, use wisdom and take everything they say with a grain of salt-they are only sharing what they want to and from just one perspective. Sleep is a highly treasured commodity; you don't know how much until you only get 2 hours sleep after counseling someone all night and have to work an 9 hour day that begins at 5:30 am. Spiritual blessings pour out upon your head when you least expect them... Most of the lessons I have taught, talks I have given, counsel I have given, I don't remember the bulk of what I said. A big thing I have learned is that the Spirit does the teaching, no matter what I have to say.
Health: I have maintained my Wolverine-like existence. Meaning, I haven't become ill, save for one thing. I wanted to train up for running at school. So I began to run and was working my way up to a few miles each trip, 3 times a week. One problem, I developed tendinitis in my knee and ankles. GAAAH! So I've been spending the past few weeks doing PT, in the hope I will be able to be a walker instead. I've given up my plan of doing a marathon. Now it is just to walk long distances. My physical therapist says that running is bad for your body anyway. The cardio work out is good for your heart and stuff, but the impact hurts all of your joints. Guess who wants to not have knee and hip replacements at 50? Give you a clue... She's tall, pretty, and you are reading her blog right now!
New hobbies: Knitting... One of my best friends gave me the greatest gift ever. She taught me a skill. I have been knitting since the middle of March, and have make a bunch of really cool stuff. I knit all of my family's Christmas presents. SPOILER: If you are in my immediate family and want to be surprised on Christmas, skip 1 sentence. I made everyone a scarf, and it turns out they will be featured in the holiday time photos that we will be taking. Since completing them (and there were 7 I knitted), I wanted a challenge. I bought an easy knitting magazine, and began projects. I've made cable knit stuff, hats, fingerless mitts(they look like gauntlets), more scarves... What I thought was for only little old ladies turns out to be a really cool craft. One that some of the best designs are created by men! I have met a range of people who knit. From old to young, male to female, they all say the same thing: "Knitting is cool!" I've become a yarn snob, and have a few fibers that feel soooooooo soft. Baby llama, alpaca and merino wools are awesome. They are not cheap, but so worth it!
So there is a lot happening in my life at present. Good thing is that the busy times are just work toward a bigger goal. My major of Psychology and minor of Russian will be a challenge, but one well worth it. The distance from my family will be tough, but is necessary. I know that with such a big transition I'll be going into different situations. I will rise to the occasion... Wearing a kitty hat and fingerless mitts that I knit myself.
The summer weather is exquisite. Perfect for the hikers and just dwellers of outdoors. Crisp and clean air will greet you at the door.
Please comment and share, as your thoughts are always desired.
Thank you,
The Tallgurrl