If someone had told me 10 years ago, that I would be single, in college for my undergraduate degree, I would have said one of two things: 1, "You are craaaazy!"; 2, "You must be smoking something really good, and you should share it!" I had this notion of who I was, and where I was going to be. At the time, I thought I would be married, with several children by now. I thought that my limited view of the world had prepared me to be wife, mother, and general all around awesome person. I was an awesome person, but I still hadn't developed some very important character traits that I needed.
Fast-forward to the present day... I am single, but I have traveled all over the US. I have made amazing friends, and experienced so many character building things. I have an actual educational plan, and goals for a career. I am know who I am, and have confidence in myself. Most importantly, I have developed a much closer relationship with my God. It is actually kind of funny. I have been muddling through, thinking I was following my plans, when in reality it was God's plan all along. I haven't always agreed, or even liked, what was happening, but it has all been for my benefit.
Many of my friends have already experienced those milestones, that mark the path to "adulthood." They graduated college, became employed, had meaningful romantic relationships, married, started their families... Myself, I have always used a time table that is tailored to my needs. I do things when I am ready, and pity the fool who tries to adjust my speed at getting there. That is not to say that I lag behind in everything. Sometimes I far exceed standard expectations... The point is that when I am ready for something, I do it. Not a moment before, or after.
This has been running through my mind of late. Mostly because a dear friend was complaining about how unattractive she thinks she is to the opposite sex. She is beautiful... and short... and a touch shy... I don't know where she would have a problem. Guys typically go for the girl they can tuck under their arm, and they all dig the pretty girls. She has more guys interested in her than she even knows. It was difficult reigning in my sarcasm when she said that she didn't think guys were into her. All she has to do is hesitate in the school cafeteria, or edge of a dance floor, and she is approached. I love her, but grow frustrated when she says junk like that. She dated a ton in the last few months. If she wanted to, she could be married by the end of the semester... And I told her just that last night.
I think there is something wrong in the world, when a beautiful woman has such small confidence that she doesn't recognize her beauty. The fools who tease and bully should hang their heads in shame. Where does it say that tearing someone down will improve your standing in the world? All it makes you is the fool who opened his mouth and proved their idiocy. Mean people really distract from the joy of simply being. And they hurt people with their gossip, name-calling, and general bullying. Physical wounds heal fairly quickly. Wounds to the heart, however, can take a lifetime to heal. It is those heart-wounds that cause a beautiful woman to have low self-esteem, and a smart person to doubt her intelligence. I am a firm believer in karma. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say I believe in the law of the harvest. That which ye sow, shall ye also reap. Or in other words, you get back what you put forth. And with that in mind, I would challenge everyone to be mindful of the things you sow in your life. Are you sowing seeds of friendship and love, or seeds of hate and discontent? Think on that. And remember, for every action is an equal reaction. If you say a kind word, someone will be kind in turn.
There was a double rainbow on the horizon... Even through the pouring rain, beauty exists.
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The Tallgurrl