Tuesday, December 14, 2010
School Dazed
So I promised certain people I would be faithful in writing my blog... Obviously there have been a few bumps in the road. But that is in the past. I have much to report and share, and little time in which to do it.
Where to begin? Lets see... I've been working hard at school. Russian has turned out to be an amazing language to learn, and my favorite subject. I have enjoyed it so much that I began to reconsider my major. That said, I did change it up, again. I am now studying for an International Studies degree, emphasis in History, with a minor in Russian. I believe that will be the end of my degree swapping, though. I really feel like this is a perfect match for my interests, passions, and personality.
More interesting stuff... While I am still very much in a dry spell, there have been a couple guys that I have made particular friends with. One, I'll call Sascha, is a tutor on campus, and a student. He is ridiculously smart, just doesn't have the confidence in himself. (English is his second language. And though he has been in the States for many years, there is still room for improvement there.) Sascha has helped me immensely with my learning, and I in turn have aided him in his educational pursuits. He is a very personal, slightly introverted guy. Quite a difference from loud, outspoken, extroverted, shares everything me. As our friendship has grown, it has been interesting to watch how we've influenced each other. Some of my lingo has rubbed off on him. I'm not sure what of his has rubbed off on me... Maybe just the things we have in common have exacerbated. I've really only had 2 dates with Sascha, and both were instigated by me. One, I got tickets for a dinner and concert. They were great, and we both had a good time. But nothing really came of that. The next one was General Conference. I invited Sascha over for dinner, and to watch the last session of Conference. He enjoyed what I cooked, and the company. But once again, nothing came of it. He hasn't asked me out, and while I do like him and would like to date him, unless he does the asking nothing else will come of it. I've decided to not be a lazy guy enabler. A friend of mine went to BYU and never asked a girl out in the 4 years he attended. He did date. But the girls did all the asking. I refuse to be that kind of girl. It makes for unbearable guys.
The other friend I've made is someone who served a mission in my ward back home. He's been released! (Before any of all y'all get riled up about my friendship with a "forbidden" guy.) I'll call him Rico. Rico is very similar to me in temperament. He is outgoing, energetic, funny, active, and slightly sarcastic. I started writing Rico when I got out here, as we'd already started to develop a friendship serving in the East. When he was released and went home from his mission, Rico drove up to visit me, and to take care of some business for school. We did dinner, and a Dutch movie, then breakfast the next morning. I really enjoyed his company, even if he was telling me that he'd already been set up for that weekend, and was in talks with the girl. I don't know if anything will come of this one. He's decided to stay in Utah for schooling. And I have a feeling that the "set up" girl will be the one for him. He expressed an interest with me visiting him, and him visiting me. But one never can tell if it is to be as friends, or not. We'll see. Either way, he is still someone I'm glad to know.
This is finals week. I have been so busy pursuing good grades, and physical fitness, that I've sorely neglected my blogs. One thing I should mention: I am now not only a triathlete, but I am also an Ironwoman! The school had a Lazy Ironman triathlon. Pretty much that meant I had 30 days(minus Sundays and holidays) to run 26 miles, bike 112 miles, and swim 2.7 miles. I completed it, and I have the t-shirt to prove it! If it is offered again next semester, I may participate again. It felt so good to complete each mile marker.
Other exciting news: I will finish the semester with some pretty good grades. I'll have an "A" in Russian and Book of Mormon, a "B" in Science and American Foundations, and a "C" in Maths. The C may seem not so great, but I am pathetic when it comes to statistics. This required maths class consisted of 3 main topics: Finances, Probability, and Statistics. I bombed Statistics, but am doing super in the rest. Thus, a "C" grade is perfectly acceptable to me. I can't really think of anything else to talk about. I've only got 2 days left of classes. So, I'll be working hard to go out with a bang.
As always, I'll be keeping an eye on the clouds over the horizon, to see what they'll be bringing my way.
Please comment and share.
Thank you,
The Tallgurrl
Friday, September 24, 2010
In Pursuit of Knowledge
The first full week of classes one of the Russian tutor came to class to introduce himself. I'll call him Sascha. (Obviously that isn't his real name, but he needs to be called something!) Sascha is a guy from Russia. A student, who is tutoring in his native tongue, while he pursues a degree in something completely different from linguistics entirely. Me, being intelligent and wanting to keep the A grade I started the semester with, I signed up for tutoring sessions, twice a week. I figured it would be better to consistently study with him, and practice, than to cram before tests. So far it is going quite well. My skills are improving, and I'm making a new friend.
New friend? Yes. I forgot to mention that Sascha is very attractive, and funny. Truth be told, even if I didn't need the help in the class, I probably would have signed up for sessions with him. The fact that he is actually helping me is a bonus. An interesting thing, I'm helping him too. His English typing, and writing, is not as good as he'd like. So, he asked for some help from me. I've helped him type up a project for a PR class, and will probably help him more when he asks. Helping him with his English stuff is actually helping me with my Russian. The word usage and such are dissimilar mish-mash, that between the two of us we make sense of stuff.
So here is where the dilemma begins. I got a letter from my friend, who I'll call Rico. He is serving a mission back home. (Obviously, he couldn't write me while I was at home, but it was nice to hear from him at last. I guess he actually does want to be friends.) I'm going to write him back today, but what to say. He'll be done with his mission and home in the beginning of December. Home for him is Utah, a 3-4 hour drive from me. A long one, but doable. I'm wondering whether he'll want to pursue something in addition to friendship. I'd not be adverse to it. He's a great guy... A bit shorter than me, but really fun to be around. Sascha is a bit shorter than me, but he has that really sexy accent. (Not to mention he is here.) Tonight I'm going Latin dancing. With the way things seem to be going, I'll probably meet someone there too!
Sascha made a quip that I attend BYU-I Do. I replied that if I was in such a rush to be married, I'd have become a green card bride to a friend a long time ago. My plans do not include a quick marriage, and putting my education on hold for more time. I realize that really Heavenly Father's plan for me is probably better than mine. The thought of wasting my mind for yet more years makes my heart weep. I do want to get married. And it would be nice to accomplish that before my 35th birthday. It is just that the thought of rushing into anything, possibly the wrong marriage to the wrong man, scares me. Mormons marry for eternity. The thought of spending eternity with someone who's without... ::Shudders:: I guess, like my education, my romantic life will have to be left to the Lord's hands too.
The air has taken a turn towards the cool and crisp. Frost on the windows and the ground will be common for a while.
Please comment and share.
Thank you,
The Tallgurrl
Saturday, September 11, 2010
School Days, School Days!
The day started out with classes, then a text from a good friend, I'll call him Angel for this blog. We got together, with the plan to tool around Rexburg. Unfortunately, I had left my wallet in my apartment, thereby removing the possibility of shopping in the Distribution Center. Soooo, Angel asks "Are you up for a little drive?" Naturally I replied with the affirmative. (I mean, come on. Any time I hang out with Angel fun and hijinks ensue.) So we start driving... And just talking. And laughing. And listening to music. And looking at the gorgeous scenery.
After doing this for a while, we start discussing the possibility of a snowball fight. We both agreed this would be a very good idea, so headed further into the mountains. As we drove the winding roads, a perfect spot appeared. We stopped to play in the snow. It turns out that Angel is not very good at throwing things. I hit him a few times, and even when I stayed in one place he only hit my shoe. We decided to warm our hands and continue on our drive. Thus we found ourselves driving through Jackson Hole, Wyoming, on our way toward Yellowstone. And this is where the Buffalo comes in. We were driving, and driving, when the traffic came to a standstill. As we creeped our way up, we found out why... A herd of bison were feeding on the side of the road. And I mean literally by the side of the road. I could have reached out my hand from the car window and scratched their ears!
We drove on, and then stopped to look at a glacier. At which point, we both realized that since neither of us were wearing jackets, the cold was a bit much... We decided to continue our journey, and go to his apartment in Idaho Falls. After eating a yummy supper of portobello alfredo linguine, we watched Harold and Maude... Funny and perverse movie. We closed the night, and got me home in time to make curfew and avoid my OCD roommates locking me out. Best Day Ever!
The weather is warm in Rexburg, but snowy on the mountain. Be sure to bring a light jacket, as the change in climate is startling.
Please comment and share.
Thank you,
The Tallgurrl
Thursday, July 29, 2010
As Time Goes By

School: My assigned track for school is Fall/Winter. This kinda posed a problem, as I had planned to start in January. But I'm going to leave my job instead. I've reserved an apartment across the street from the fitness center, and down the hill from campus. Sent an email to one of my future roommates, but got no answer. Guess I'll have to just call each and every one to figure out who is bringing what for the kitchen. (I'll be stuffed if I am going to provide the apartment with everything. I am so NOT Kitchen Etc.) Also, I registered for classes-including my Beginning Russian class. Got my financial aid package. It wasn't as much Pell Grant-age as I wanted, but I did get some subsidized student loans. The bulk will still be unsubsidized, but next year should be more promising. All in all, I am very pleased with my upcoming move. I'm giving my notice next week at work, and will use the last week of August to pack, sell, give, and throw out my stuff.
Dating: Only dated one guy this summer, and he was "special." Not a Mormon, he and I discussed frankly the fact that our "relationship" such as it was, was going to go nowhere. Biggest reason was my move, but in the end religion is a deal breaker. Anyway, it was entertaining and on occasion irksome to be with him. (I need to name this guy too... Let's call him Himself.) Himself believes that he is God's gift to women. So hot that no female can resist, he flirts and dates, etc with anything over 18. I failed to mention that he is 45. Now, I never told him my age. I let him assume that I was in my early 20s and occasionally teased him about his elderly-ness. We would get together for outdoors type stuff. Think hikes, beach walks, and the such. We were to have a date 2 weeks ago, but he kind of blew me off. He texted me during my work day, and then said he'd call me to firm up our plans for the afternoon/evening. When he didn't call, I figured he changed his mind. Then I didn't hear from him for a few days. I knew he wasn't that busy. He was on vacation for another week and we'd made tentative plans to get together a few times during that. With that knowledge the assumption went that either he was in the hospital(which he wasn't), or just wasn't that into me. I figured that his attitude and the blow off made it necessary to take him down a peg. *Disclaimer: I am not a perfect person, and did tell a blatant lie to this man, and I would do it again.* I texted him, with the attitude of being candid and chatty. He voiced remorse for messing up our plans. I decided to take things further... I told him that since he didn't get back to me, I thought he had lost interest. Then I told him that I went out and found a woman who was interested and I was with her... I know this is a huge lie, as I don't bat for that team, but it just seemed right at the time. The next woman he dates will appreciate what I did. If he has half a brain, Himself will learn that even if he is embarrassed, losing touch and momentum with a lady you proclaim an interest, especially one so much younger than him, will result in a loss of the lady.... His response to the text was priceless. He just said "K". That story will NEVER get old! In the interest of my leaving so soon, I've decided to declare a fatwa on my dating life. Any going out for the rest of the summer will be with my friends, and then only in a group. I would hate to start something that I couldn't finish.
Calling: So I'm looking to being released in the next week or 2. So glad! I'm trying to de-stress my life as I wind up to moving West. I've learned a lot during my time as El Presidente. Delegation is called of God and is to be used... Liberally. Counselors are called to do a job, so let them and don't make it the "me" show. It is important to speak up when you feel a prompting. Learning a new skill will help you to make new friends and open doors that were closed before. When listening to someone who is asking for a confidante or for advice, use wisdom and take everything they say with a grain of salt-they are only sharing what they want to and from just one perspective. Sleep is a highly treasured commodity; you don't know how much until you only get 2 hours sleep after counseling someone all night and have to work an 9 hour day that begins at 5:30 am. Spiritual blessings pour out upon your head when you least expect them... Most of the lessons I have taught, talks I have given, counsel I have given, I don't remember the bulk of what I said. A big thing I have learned is that the Spirit does the teaching, no matter what I have to say.
Health: I have maintained my Wolverine-like existence. Meaning, I haven't become ill, save for one thing. I wanted to train up for running at school. So I began to run and was working my way up to a few miles each trip, 3 times a week. One problem, I developed tendinitis in my knee and ankles. GAAAH! So I've been spending the past few weeks doing PT, in the hope I will be able to be a walker instead. I've given up my plan of doing a marathon. Now it is just to walk long distances. My physical therapist says that running is bad for your body anyway. The cardio work out is good for your heart and stuff, but the impact hurts all of your joints. Guess who wants to not have knee and hip replacements at 50? Give you a clue... She's tall, pretty, and you are reading her blog right now!
New hobbies: Knitting... One of my best friends gave me the greatest gift ever. She taught me a skill. I have been knitting since the middle of March, and have make a bunch of really cool stuff. I knit all of my family's Christmas presents. SPOILER: If you are in my immediate family and want to be surprised on Christmas, skip 1 sentence. I made everyone a scarf, and it turns out they will be featured in the holiday time photos that we will be taking. Since completing them (and there were 7 I knitted), I wanted a challenge. I bought an easy knitting magazine, and began projects. I've made cable knit stuff, hats, fingerless mitts(they look like gauntlets), more scarves... What I thought was for only little old ladies turns out to be a really cool craft. One that some of the best designs are created by men! I have met a range of people who knit. From old to young, male to female, they all say the same thing: "Knitting is cool!" I've become a yarn snob, and have a few fibers that feel soooooooo soft. Baby llama, alpaca and merino wools are awesome. They are not cheap, but so worth it!
So there is a lot happening in my life at present. Good thing is that the busy times are just work toward a bigger goal. My major of Psychology and minor of Russian will be a challenge, but one well worth it. The distance from my family will be tough, but is necessary. I know that with such a big transition I'll be going into different situations. I will rise to the occasion... Wearing a kitty hat and fingerless mitts that I knit myself.
The summer weather is exquisite. Perfect for the hikers and just dwellers of outdoors. Crisp and clean air will greet you at the door.
Please comment and share, as your thoughts are always desired.
Thank you,
The Tallgurrl
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
It All Works Out In the End
So for the past few months I've been majorly stressing. Work, while it is enjoyable, has been a bit of a stressor lately. My calling, RS Pres, has given me a new respect for leadership. I never realized just how much time and effort goes into keeping a singles RS running smoothly. The biggest stressor, however, was my college applications, and whether I'd be accepted to my top choice. It's been a few years since I've attended a university, and my biggest fear was that I would be rejected.
Last night I got an email that made me so giddy that I jumped up from the computer, did a happy dance, and ran around the house announcing my news. I was accepted at Brigham Young University-Idaho. I'm now just waiting to learn my assigned track. HUGE weight off of my shoulders. My favorite choice for schools, the least expensive, most Mormony, not to mention most awkward way for unwarrented visits school, has taken me back as a student.
I'm not sure how much of my acceptance is related to the six degrees of separation, but this I do know. I worked hard to get there, and this is an affirmation that my initial feelings were correct. So with all that, I just have one thing left to say: WOOT!
If you look to the sky tonight, a glorious moon/star show will make you wonder... Added bonus, with these clear skies nothing will get in your way.
Please comment and share, as always I want your thoughts.
Thank you,
The Tallgurrl
Monday, March 15, 2010
Plays Well With Others and Other Lies She Told
I have a wide circle of friends, with a few closer ones that I confide in. Being an idealist, I truly believe that they are as honest with me as I am with them. Which is to say, completely. Giving everyone the benefit of the doubt makes it painful when someone abuses my trust and belief in them. I made a very difficult decision last night to cut ties with one whom I considered a best friend. This was a long time coming, but I didn't want to do it. Finally, the situation presented itself where this friend did something that I won't tolerate from a confidante. She manipulated me, bent the truth until it resembled a pretzel, and all in the name of looking good to others.
To fully explain, I'll have to list the cast of characters and give some of the back-story. To start, these women are roommates, and friends of mine. I got pulled into the situation and now am trying to fix my errors in it... Shopgirl is a quiet girl, who has a few issues that she is dealing with. She is a nice person, who is trying to overcome some challenges, with a little help from her mum. She has a small group of friends, and is an amazing woman. (Shopgirl's mum is also the landlady.) Danseur is an outgoing social butterfly. She is a center of attention type of person, who is highly dramatic. I have never known her to not have someone help her in any situation, regardless of the imposition the person asked for help. Editrix is an introvert, who has an active life and works hard at her job, loves her family, and is even keeled in personality. She is very generous with her time, talents, and her integrity.
The story begins many moons ago, when Shopgirl and Danseur became roommates. After living together in harmony for some time, Danseur decided it was time to go on a mission. Her friends were supportive, and even helped her prepare for said mission. When Danseur left, Shopgirl needed a new roommate, so in comes Editrix. Editrix was going to live with Shopgirl for the 18 months that Danseur was to be gone. The situation worked out well for a couple months... After which, Danseur decided to come home from her mission. *Writers note: I don't know what actually went down on her mission. But I will say this, every prospective missionary gets a packet detailing exactly what to expect on a mission. What dress code is expected. The hours kept. Living arrangements. One has to really look to find a question not answered. And if there is one, the president of the mission is always willing to talk. Danseur spent enough time hanging out with the local missionaries to be well aware of how life would be. Her coming home was NOT a dishonorable release. I will say this, though... What did she expect when she got done at the MTC? Did she honestly think it would be just a bunch of friends hanging out, talking gospel, and no rules, restrictions, strict standards? BYU has an honor code... It goes to figure that perhaps being a representative of the Church would require a bit more.
Back to the story. Danseur came home early, and because she was so early, Editrix was not prepared to have to move. Danseur lived at her mum's home for a while, then began to complain, campaign, about how unbearable it is to live there and she needs to be back in her old place. After much cajolery, tears, and whining, Danseur did get to move back-on an interim basis. She got a futon and shared a bedroom with Shopgirl. Things were going fairly well. A few tensions were there, but nothing good honest communication couldn't fix. That didn't happen, though.
Now I'm not sure how the whole thing escalated. At this point, unless I actually hear all parties part, I'll not form an opinion. This I do know: Shopgirl began to have anger management issues. Danseur was being dishonest, and manipulative. Editrix was being scapegoated, and not communicated with.
I'm not going to go into all of the details, as they aren't as pertinent as how they were shared, and specifically to whom. There are no "innocent" parties. Mistakes were made by all involved. This I will say for my part, I have acted on the information I had been given. Now I know it to have been faulty, and manipulated to make Danseur seem a victim... again. She told me a version of the truth where she was attacked, unprovoked. That she was blameless in her semi-eviction. That in the whole situation, she had no contribution to the tension, the strife. The reality is that she would do and say whatever it took to keep her as the abused party. That she was wronged and is to be pitied. A little aside about me: I have nothing but contempt for those who cherish victim-hood and strive to live a life of drama. Those people waste their lives and drag down those who would put themselves out in order to help. Too many times women who are trying to do it on their own offer aid to others who could do it but would rather be a martyr and have someone "rescue" them.
The purpose behind this post is to say this: I got played. I got played real bad by someone who I loved like a sister, and trusted with many confidences. I will admit that I had been pulling back from the amount of my life I shared with Danseur. Months ago, a dear friend made a stupid, destructive decision. Danseur broke some of the confidences this friend gave her, and shared with a reporter things our friend said. Now if she had anything to contribute to the case she should have shared it with the police. But she for some inane reason decided to "make it better" with the media. Ironically, her words were the next day's headlines. When she did that, the trust I had in her diminished dramatically. Now this... She used my trust in her as a way to aid her in an escape from a situation that she lobbied and manipulated to get into in the first place. I believed her to be someone who would be completely honest with me, as I am with her. I suppose her version of the truth is much nicer. It definitely makes her seem faultless in the situation.
In the novel Pride and Prejudice, there is a character William Darcy. He said that his flaw was that once his good opinion is lost, it is lost forever. I'll not go quite so far, but will say this. Once I am given a huge reason to be mistrustful of you, you are no longer among my confidantes, best friends, and I likely will not want to associate with you. It hurt me do decide this, but I'll no longer be friends with Danseur. I abhor being used. And to be played in such a way, to further her own foolish and selfish plans... No. I am done with her. Some day she may realize what it is she has done. I only hope her actions are not deliberate. To purposefully use ones "friends" is one of the lowest actions.
If you can't tell, I'm not feeling very "Christlike" right now. I think a blog is a better way to vent than to confront, though. Because I don't care for drama, and think it ridiculous to have heated BFF break-ups.
Now I'm looking for a new BFF... Any takers?
Thick fog and thunderstorms are approaching. Best look for shelter, this storm is a doozy!
Please comment and share, as your thoughts are always desired.
Thank you,
The Tallgurrl
Monday, March 8, 2010
Its a Small World... Afterall
![]() |
In my case it is the 6 degrees of Mormonism |
I LOVE the six degrees of separation. It is such a fun game to play. Through my college application process, I've come to love it even more... That is the six degrees of separation Mormon version. While doing the ecclesiastical endorsement for BYU-Idaho entrance, I had an interesting conversation with both the member of the stake presidency, and my bishop. Apparently each brother served in a bishopric with the current president of BYU-I, and even keeps in touch. After I completed my interviews, I did a happy dance all the way to my car. Its been about 6 years since I attended classes there, and I was worried about being re-accepted. I'm not saying that I want to get strings pulled for me... (Not that that can even be done anyway) What I am saying is that it is a very interesting thing that both of my interviews were with men who were friends with the president of the university I am applying to. That's all I've got...
Amen ;-p
Please comment and share. I love your input.
The Tallgurrl
Monday, February 8, 2010
There's a lot of Talent Here
So last week I went of a road trip vacation. Went to see exciting places like Trenton, NJ and Groton, CT... Actually, I was highly entertained. The whole purpose of the trip was to help my mum with her genealogy research. I was fine with that. Any excuse to tool around, listening to my Ipod, and just checking out the local flora and fauna.
I noticed an unusual trend: any time I help my mum with this family history stuff, I find ridiculous amounts of information. The last time I went to an Archives with her, I found the ship manifests for my great grandparents' ships to the US. This time, I found the birth and marriage certificates for many family members. It was kinda cool, too. For a few hours of work and sitting around, I got to see some places I haven't visited on almost 5 years.
For the trip, we stayed in on-base housing. (I forgot to mention that my dad retired from the military and so has the privilege of being able to stay in the military's version of a hotel.) They were nice. The beds fairly comfortable, the cable working, and a lot of military guys just hanging around. My particular favorite was the housing in Groton, CT.
Groton is a naval submarine base. For the uninitiated, that means a lot of guys, few women(unless they were wives). All because the Navy doesn't have women on subs. I gotta tell ya, there was a lot of talent up in there. So much eye candy! It is a beautiful thing that these guy's jobs include having to be physically fit. As a single women, I felt like a kid in a candy shop. I was totally tempted to change my school aps over to only in the Groton area... Ok, not so much. The men are great, but the ratio of LDS to not-so-LDS is too great to make altering my educational pursuits an option.
More seriously, I am so stoked to be going back to school! So after chatting with my mum, (again!) I realized that we had a serious miscommunication going on. She thought I was stopping at my bachelor' degree; that I planned to be a social worker and that was that... My real plans are to get the master's and be a counselor. A bit of a pay grade difference, not to mention the whole extra pieces of paper thing... I had been going back and forth over where to go, and what to pursue, for some time. Still not sure where I'll end up, but the pursuit is finalized. I will be finishing up the social work bachelor's degree, then off to a good master's program. Hopefully I'll be able to use my marketable skills in the meantime. I have no interest in being the "poor college student" for long. At the least I will need some dinero to keep my car, The Silver Bullet, fed and doctored up.
Clear skies and smooth sailing ahead. "In the Navy" can be heard on the wind... Or maybe that is just in my head.
Please comment and share.
Thank you,
The Tallgurrl
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Third Wheel or How I Became Superfluous at the Party I Planned

My 2009 birthday consisted of being "kidnapped" by my friends and taken to Boston. My kidnapping was a very Patty Hearst type, in that I went willingly, but I definitely did NOT sleep with my kidnappers. (Get your mind outta the gutter!).
My friend Dom was one of the kidnappers, and his birthday was three days before the new year. We didn't get to celebrate it, as he spent it with his family, and then all the New Year's celebrating happened.
So, I decided to surprise him with some dinner, friends, and frolic. I made a "date" with him, and we took the "T" subway into Boston. Our destination: Fire and Ice, our favorite restaurant. I had previously arranged for some of our friends to meet us there. When we got there, "Surprise" "Happy Birthday" and all that. What followed was a loud, laugh-filled chattering dinner, where we closed the restaurant.
By that time, our group halved. Some had work the next day, and others were the rides. All that were left: Me, Dom, and a girl who used to date Dom-Songbird. I thought Songbird had gotten over the whole not dating Dom anymore thing and had moved on to being "just friends." WRONG! We were parked at the same subway station, so rode together. For the next 30 minutes she flirted shamelessly, and worked very hard to reintroduce herself into Dom's heart. Now, I have no interest in ever dating Dom in a serious way. I like casual dates with him, where we have fun. I like his company, but he is way too young in all things important to me for it to move out of "friend zone".
I think the clincher to when I was beyond uncomfortable was when she moved in as though to kiss him, but just not. Dom did nothing to either encourage or discourage her. That was irrelevant. Apparently so was I. If I'd realized just how much Songbird was still hung up on Dom I would never have included her in the group. I refuse to be the Yenta in my circle of friends any more. So that said, the fun friend evening I planned turned into a big Zuzu the Third Wheel night.
There won't be a next time, as this time next year I will be living in the Rockies. I think the thing that upset me the most was that they both know that, and that I will not be moving back to the East Coast. Vacationing to see family, but never to live there again. That night was the last big night out with my friends. I'm working too many hours and trying to fulfill too big a calling to stay out late with friends any more. Oh well... Maybe they'll send me a virtual postcard when I've moved.
PS. I realize this is a whiny post... Get over it. I'm sure this has happened to many people, just this is a first to me, and I wanted to put it into cyber-space. ;-p
The weather is murky, friendships strained, and a question hangs in the air. Perhaps the brisk wind will come down from the hills to clear the air.
Please comment and share. I love your thoughts.
The Tallgurrl
My friend Dom was one of the kidnappers, and his birthday was three days before the new year. We didn't get to celebrate it, as he spent it with his family, and then all the New Year's celebrating happened.
So, I decided to surprise him with some dinner, friends, and frolic. I made a "date" with him, and we took the "T" subway into Boston. Our destination: Fire and Ice, our favorite restaurant. I had previously arranged for some of our friends to meet us there. When we got there, "Surprise" "Happy Birthday" and all that. What followed was a loud, laugh-filled chattering dinner, where we closed the restaurant.
By that time, our group halved. Some had work the next day, and others were the rides. All that were left: Me, Dom, and a girl who used to date Dom-Songbird. I thought Songbird had gotten over the whole not dating Dom anymore thing and had moved on to being "just friends." WRONG! We were parked at the same subway station, so rode together. For the next 30 minutes she flirted shamelessly, and worked very hard to reintroduce herself into Dom's heart. Now, I have no interest in ever dating Dom in a serious way. I like casual dates with him, where we have fun. I like his company, but he is way too young in all things important to me for it to move out of "friend zone".
I think the clincher to when I was beyond uncomfortable was when she moved in as though to kiss him, but just not. Dom did nothing to either encourage or discourage her. That was irrelevant. Apparently so was I. If I'd realized just how much Songbird was still hung up on Dom I would never have included her in the group. I refuse to be the Yenta in my circle of friends any more. So that said, the fun friend evening I planned turned into a big Zuzu the Third Wheel night.
There won't be a next time, as this time next year I will be living in the Rockies. I think the thing that upset me the most was that they both know that, and that I will not be moving back to the East Coast. Vacationing to see family, but never to live there again. That night was the last big night out with my friends. I'm working too many hours and trying to fulfill too big a calling to stay out late with friends any more. Oh well... Maybe they'll send me a virtual postcard when I've moved.
PS. I realize this is a whiny post... Get over it. I'm sure this has happened to many people, just this is a first to me, and I wanted to put it into cyber-space. ;-p
The weather is murky, friendships strained, and a question hangs in the air. Perhaps the brisk wind will come down from the hills to clear the air.
Please comment and share. I love your thoughts.
The Tallgurrl
Monday, January 4, 2010
Speaking of Weather
So I was dreaming of a "white Christmas"... If I'd really been thinking about it, I would have made a clause that said that it all had to melt off by New Year's day.
Really, though, it is so beautiful outside that my breath gets caught... Wait, that's the cold and wind stealing my breath! So living in New England has been a trip and a half. And to continue in the tradition of living somewhere that gets a lot of snow, I'm applying only to schools in Utah and Idaho. So far, UVU, U of U, and BYU-I have received the benefit of my fine applications. I am hoping to hear positive things from them. I also plan to apply to Weber, Westminster, and maybe Snow. I just want to keep my options open, as well as to be sure at least one school in the Rockies is host to me.
So that's all I got... And: that's what she said.
Please give your input, as I love your thoughts.
Thanks ,
The Tallgurrl
Please give your input, as I love your thoughts.
Thanks ,
The Tallgurrl
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