The day started out with classes, then a text from a good friend, I'll call him Angel for this blog. We got together, with the plan to tool around Rexburg. Unfortunately, I had left my wallet in my apartment, thereby removing the possibility of shopping in the Distribution Center. Soooo, Angel asks "Are you up for a little drive?" Naturally I replied with the affirmative. (I mean, come on. Any time I hang out with Angel fun and hijinks ensue.) So we start driving... And just talking. And laughing. And listening to music. And looking at the gorgeous scenery.
After doing this for a while, we start discussing the possibility of a snowball fight. We both agreed this would be a very good idea, so headed further into the mountains. As we drove the winding roads, a perfect spot appeared. We stopped to play in the snow. It turns out that Angel is not very good at throwing things. I hit him a few times, and even when I stayed in one place he only hit my shoe. We decided to warm our hands and continue on our drive. Thus we found ourselves driving through Jackson Hole, Wyoming, on our way toward Yellowstone. And this is where the Buffalo comes in. We were driving, and driving, when the traffic came to a standstill. As we creeped our way up, we found out why... A herd of bison were feeding on the side of the road. And I mean literally by the side of the road. I could have reached out my hand from the car window and scratched their ears!
We drove on, and then stopped to look at a glacier. At which point, we both realized that since neither of us were wearing jackets, the cold was a bit much... We decided to continue our journey, and go to his apartment in Idaho Falls. After eating a yummy supper of portobello alfredo linguine, we watched Harold and Maude... Funny and perverse movie. We closed the night, and got me home in time to make curfew and avoid my OCD roommates locking me out. Best Day Ever!
The weather is warm in Rexburg, but snowy on the mountain. Be sure to bring a light jacket, as the change in climate is startling.
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Thank you,
The Tallgurrl
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