The first full week of classes one of the Russian tutor came to class to introduce himself. I'll call him Sascha. (Obviously that isn't his real name, but he needs to be called something!) Sascha is a guy from Russia. A student, who is tutoring in his native tongue, while he pursues a degree in something completely different from linguistics entirely. Me, being intelligent and wanting to keep the A grade I started the semester with, I signed up for tutoring sessions, twice a week. I figured it would be better to consistently study with him, and practice, than to cram before tests. So far it is going quite well. My skills are improving, and I'm making a new friend.
New friend? Yes. I forgot to mention that Sascha is very attractive, and funny. Truth be told, even if I didn't need the help in the class, I probably would have signed up for sessions with him. The fact that he is actually helping me is a bonus. An interesting thing, I'm helping him too. His English typing, and writing, is not as good as he'd like. So, he asked for some help from me. I've helped him type up a project for a PR class, and will probably help him more when he asks. Helping him with his English stuff is actually helping me with my Russian. The word usage and such are dissimilar mish-mash, that between the two of us we make sense of stuff.
So here is where the dilemma begins. I got a letter from my friend, who I'll call Rico. He is serving a mission back home. (Obviously, he couldn't write me while I was at home, but it was nice to hear from him at last. I guess he actually does want to be friends.) I'm going to write him back today, but what to say. He'll be done with his mission and home in the beginning of December. Home for him is Utah, a 3-4 hour drive from me. A long one, but doable. I'm wondering whether he'll want to pursue something in addition to friendship. I'd not be adverse to it. He's a great guy... A bit shorter than me, but really fun to be around. Sascha is a bit shorter than me, but he has that really sexy accent. (Not to mention he is here.) Tonight I'm going Latin dancing. With the way things seem to be going, I'll probably meet someone there too!
Sascha made a quip that I attend BYU-I Do. I replied that if I was in such a rush to be married, I'd have become a green card bride to a friend a long time ago. My plans do not include a quick marriage, and putting my education on hold for more time. I realize that really Heavenly Father's plan for me is probably better than mine. The thought of wasting my mind for yet more years makes my heart weep. I do want to get married. And it would be nice to accomplish that before my 35th birthday. It is just that the thought of rushing into anything, possibly the wrong marriage to the wrong man, scares me. Mormons marry for eternity. The thought of spending eternity with someone who's without... ::Shudders:: I guess, like my education, my romantic life will have to be left to the Lord's hands too.
The air has taken a turn towards the cool and crisp. Frost on the windows and the ground will be common for a while.
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The Tallgurrl