I've been remiss in posting for over a year. In an effort to begin to remedy this oversight, here's what I hope to be the start of a tradition: Feminist Friday's!!! I was required to take a Women's Health course for my degree. After completing the course, I lamented that BYU-Idaho does not have a Women's Studies degree program. My eyes were opened to circumstances that I had earlier dismissed as commonplace and the status quo. I pondered my opinions of many things and came to the conclusion that I am a Femisist...
Feminist: a person who supports the political, economical and social equality of sexes, with an emphasis on women's rights.
I haven't stopped my Christian religion, though a later post will talk about that. I haven't begun to hate men. (I even married one!) I have merely come to label the source of many of my frustrations, and the cause of much heartache. Here's just a few of the reasons why I am a feminist...
I'm a feminist because gender roles and stereotypes are harmful. Being a person who accepts and celebrates the "masculine" and "feminine" traits that I possess makes it difficult to exist in a place where gender roles are rigid and too specific.
I'm a feminist because my father only took my brothers deep sea fishing... Women couldn't handle catching fish.
I'm a feminist because a friend mocked my decision to not shave my legs for the winter as growing "man hair for manly legs" and they "match my furry boots." Because apparently women can't/don't grow hair on their bodies.
I'm a feminist because gendered toys are harmful and limiting to any child's imagination.
I'm a feminist because when a classmate molested me in kindergarten the teacher brushed it off as "boys being boys" and she never reported it to either my parents or any other authority figure.
I'm a feminist because in health class I was taught that losing virginity hurt, and that I would also lose a part of myself. Fortunately, I chose to educate myself about sexuality and learned that she was wrong!
I'm a feminist because my church has few women in positions of authority, and ecclesiastical abuse happens more than anyone cares to admit.
I'm a feminist because there is a group of people shaming women based on what they are wearing. They focus so much on the length of a hemline and the amount of shoulder showing, and completely miss the beauty of her heart.
I'm a feminist because when I was raped at my church university I was afraid to report it because I knew several women who had been kicked out after reporting their sexual assaults, and the men who hurt them had zero repercussions for the assault. Victim blaming at its finest.
I'm a feminist because most slang insults are about being too feminine, and they are usually about a woman's genitalia.
I'm a feminist because Female Genital Mutilation, labiaplasty, vaginal rejuvenation, circumcision... are a thing.
I'm a feminist because women are not supposed to age... They are supposed to fight the effects of aging with creams, makeup, plastic surgery... retaining the youthful appearance of their 20s whilst being in their 40s+. Men just get more attractive, distinguished, etc. (Look at the red carpet if you doubt it.)
I'm a feminist because the first thing someone asks a sexual assault victim is "what were you wearing?" followed closely by "what did you do[to provoke it]?"
I'm a feminist because in the USA I am guaranteed the right to keep my job for maternity leave, but it is only for 6 weeks and is unpaid. (The US is one of 4 developed countries that does not have paid maternity leave... And is the ONLY one that is a high paid country to refuse that benefit/right.)
I'm a feminist because sexual trafficking is still rampant in the world, and the biggest consumers of human trafficking are from/in the USA.
I'm a feminist because my husband sharing his emotions with me is perceived as weak.
I'm a feminist because though white women make more than women of color, they both still make less than their male counterparts.
I'm a feminist because I didn't find my feminist voice/feminism in time to pursue several of the careers that always interested me, but was discouraged from pursuing because female.
I'm a feminist because people who are sexually assaulted in the military still don't have a voice, and usually end up leaving their military jobs for safety reasons... And because military sexual assault survivors get less support than those with combat PTSD, even though the survivors are expected to trust their assailants to have their backs in combat zones, etc.
I'm a feminist because when I suggested that my father help with the dishes after dinner, I was given a look of incredulity and told that his stressful job exempted him from household stuff.
I'm a feminist because being a Stay At Home Mother and being a Working Mother are personal choices that deserve nonjudgement.
I'm a feminist because "being a mother is the culmination and purpose of womanhood." Thereby exempting all women who have fertility issues, or just don't get the chance, or don't have the desire to have children. I guess they are genderless, or something.
I'm a feminist because trans people lack representation, support, acceptance. The trans of our world deserve to feel safe and loved no matter where they are.
I'm a feminist because LGBTQSA is just a label for sexuality and attraction, and no reason to treat someone differently.
I'm a feminist because I want marriage equality. Love is love. Maybe the same gendered couples can master what so many opposite gendered couples have failed at. Either way, it should be a choice available to everyone.
I'm a feminist because women are objectified to sell everything from burgers to cars to makeup to clothes. And it is seen as normal and acceptable.
I'm a feminist because being athletic is considered masculine, unless it is a "feminine" sport like figure-skating, swimming, or gymnastics.
I'm a feminist because being a male fashion designer/interior designer/ballet dancer does not mean gay. And in a like mind, being a bodybuilder/construction worker/cowboy... does not mean heterosexual.
I'm a feminist because my husband is the person who business people default to addressing at our meetings.
I'm a feminist because when I don't use powerless speech mannerisms I am called a bitch, aggressive, and rude.
These are just 30 reasons for my feminist leanings. There are more than can easily be counted. This isn't an angry rant. I still love men and women equally. It is just an expression of my feelings on the topic. It isn't easy to be a woman in this world. But I hope men and women can be on equal ground, someday.
The weather is cool and crisp. The air is dry and breezy. Change is in the air.
Please share, comment, read this posting. I really want to know what my readers think about my postings. Does anything strike a chord?
Thank you,
The Tallgurrl
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