Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Is There an Age Limit for This Ride?

Throughout my life people would mistake my age. In high school, I wandered the halls without a pass, because many people thought I was a senior. In junior high, people would ask me which college I was applying for and how I did on the SATs. I was never carded, until I was 21.

This trend is taking a slightly different bent now. I'm in my late 20s(OK I'll be 30 at the end of the summer). Now I get the other end of the spectrum. I have people constantly underestimating my age. I have a few patients who are convinced that I am 19 and won't hear a word different. Usually, I get somewhere between 23-25. While talking this over with my best friend I came to the decision that its a good thing. We are youthful, in touch with our inner child, fun loving... All while having the hint of responsibility in our makeup.

My question is where does the age limit get placed in the dating world? Does age really matter? I'm thinking not so much. As a very healthy woman, I intend to live a long and active life. One of the main contributors to my youthful appearance is that I keep the Word of Wisdom. It is a type of health code that was made a commandment. People often mock Mormons for their non-consumption of alcohol and tobacco. But the truth is, most LDS peoples live to old ages, and are active right up to the end.

By living this lifestyle, the body is better able to be maintained. In my case, I have such a young, not wrinkled countenance that yet again someone under-bid on my age. Sadly, this someone is probably put off by my age now. (He is 22, and still in college.) Now, I have a bit of a confession to make. While I am very open to dating anyone, I do actually have age limits for myself. I decided a very long time ago that I would never date someone who is more than 5 years younger than me... This guy, however, has me reassessing my outlook. We'll see if anything comes of it. But for now, I'm just going to enjoy the ride, and the ... Summer?

The air is warm, the skies partly cloudy, and the surf is medium. It is a perfect beach day, so enjoy it.

Please give your thoughts and feelings, and share.


The Tallgurrl