Saturday, March 31, 2012

This video is amazingly funny!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Whale or Mermaid?

The following is apocrypha, but I love this story.

Recently in a large city in France, a poster featuring a young, thin and tan woman appeared in the window of a gym. It said, "This summer, do you want to be a mermaid or a whale?"

A middle-aged woman, whose physical characteristics did not match those of the woman on the poster,responded publicly to the questionposed by the gym.

To Whom It May Concern,
Whales are always surrounded by friends (dolphins, sea lions, curious humans.) They have an active sex life, get pregnant and have adorable baby whales. They have a wonderful time with dolphins stuffing themselves with shrimp. They play and swim in the seas, seeing wonderful places like Patagonia, the Bering Sea and the coral reefs of Polynesia . Whales are wonderful singers and have even recorded CDs. They are incredible creatures and virtually have no predators other than humans.
They are loved, protected and admired by almost everyone in the world.

Mermaids don't exist. If they did exist, they would be lining up outside the offices of Argentinean psychoanalysts due to identity crisis. Fish or human? They don't have a sex life because they kill men who get close to them, not to mention how could they have sex? Just look at them ... where is IT?
Therefore, they don't have kids either. Not to mention, who wants to get close to a girl who smells
like a fish store?

The choice is perfectly clear to me:
I want to be a whale.

P..S. We are in an age when media puts into our heads the idea that only skinny people are beautiful, but I prefer to enjoy an ice cream with my kids, a good dinner with a man who makes me shiver, and a piece of chocolate with my friends. With time, we gain weight because we accumulate so much information and wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated and happy. Beginning today,
when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think, "Good grief, look how smart I am!?"

Blue skies today. I think there may be a sea breeze coming over the mountains, very far inland.

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Thank you,

The Tallgurrl

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Unrequited and Other Love Stories

I met a man this semester. He is kind, smart, spiritual, funny, a good friend. He possesses many of the traits I am looking for in a husband and father. There is just one problem: He is just not that into me. Oh sure, I am a great friend. But to put me into the realm of significant other, or even a potential, is ridiculous. And why? That is actually quite simple. I am the sole participant of the "my pal Zuzu" factor. Men just aren't interested in me for more. I am great as a friend... I have a lot of pretty female friends that they can meet through me. I love to do a lot of the same activities as them(exercise, run, cook/eat good food, etc). I really like action and sci-fi films. I am straight forward, honest, and don't play games. I am even fairly spiritual. But those traits really aren't important. My kindness doesn't matter, nor does my generous nature. Nope. Not at all. At least, not to men of my faith. I am LDS, and as far as the men I've met are concerned, I am as attractive as a syphilitic leper. And actually the leper has a better chance in love, as is evidenced by the many friends who are less conscientious with taking care of their bodies that are married and have children now. I feel kind of discouraged about the whole thing. Like, why should I bother taking care of myself for a better life later on. I probably won't have kids to run around with, or a husband to care, anyway.

It is actually kind of ironic. If I weren't so stuck on marrying within my faith, I would probably already be married. Men who are not LDS seem to find me attractive. It is just when you put that whole belief system there that puts me in an ugly and unattractive light. I won't say this particular faith has the trump on douchebags, because I am actually friends with many amazing men. And the men are good men, who all love their wives... Really, they are like my brothers. If only I were one of God's special children from Appalachia, who are cool with incest. (Just kidding!)

So back to my man-friend, who is not into me. I was actually fine with being friends. It has been a great experience, thus far. The problem is in me. I have been developing deeper feelings for him, and think I love him. This is where the issue lies: He very much does not return the feelings. In fact, I think he is into my roommate. It hit me so hard today in church. After taking the sacrament, literally right after-as in the guys who passed it were sitting down, I had this huge urgency to just get out. I couldn't be there any more. My heart hurt so much! Nothing any of the speakers had to say would calm my troubled heart. I needed to seek comfort from the Source. I wandered my way back to my apartment, and poured my heart out to God. I have never felt such heartbreak before, and just wanted some comfort and peace. I still am not there.

He is right now sitting in my living room, chatting up my roommate, while I type this post. I ache! It seems so unfair, sometimes. She has to just tilt her head and guys seem to follow. Meanwhile, I am so big and awkward that I have to rely on my wit. It is so painful to hang out with him like that. I know he will never reciprocate my feelings, which makes it more acute. I will never desire losing feelings, or numbness, as I spent years unable to feel. I will, however, seek comfort. I know this is just to make me more empathetic. If only I didn't have to feel so pathetic in the process.

The skies are kind of pink tonight. I'm not sure if that is the sunset on the smoke, or something else. But they are encouraging.

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Thank you,

The Tallgurrl

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What is in my Heart Today

In my university, there is a core group of classes that are required. They title their general education requirements as Foundation courses. The culmination of these courses is a final course entitled Capstone. In this class, critical thinking skills are taught and reinforced. Now before my more liberal readers get worried that I am being brainwashed, don't worry. They merely teach about researching before forming opinions, and looking at multiple sides of a situation before judging. I know this is not a novel idea, at least to my East Coast readers, but for many of the students on this campus it is revolutionary. They seem to flow in a mass of ignorance and spout off semi-extremist groups' dogma as their own truths, rather than come up with their own original thoughts. Let me illustrate.

In Capstone yesterday, we had homework due which required us to evaluate the character of Christ, and to evaluate our own character development journeys. That day, our discussion was a panel discussion, where four students, 2 men and 2 women, were brought in and introduced as homosexual couples that were accepted to BYU-Idaho, and would begin studies the following semester. I was one of the people in one of the couples. Lest I offend anyone who does not already knows this, I am not a lesbian, but was performing the role for the express purpose of opening some eyes and letting the people know that their paradigms were faulty, and in some cases wrong.

In the hallway, as I and my partner were discussing our story, I predicted how the class would go. I am sad to report that I was correct. As we walked in and were introduced, we were greeted by a sea of chuckles, smirks, and not a few nervous glances. The ensuing discussion, more of a question and answer session, was very telling. Some of the students were hell bent on saving our eternal souls, trying to convince of how wrong our lifestyles were, and that we couldn't get into heaven because of our choices. Some were taking an attitude of pointing out that we were breaking the Honor Code by being in a relationship. (Please note, there is a clause regarding living a chaste life in this contract. The chastity clause is applicable to homosexual and heterosexual students.) There were some that just wanted to know why we would choose a clearly Mormon school to attend, when we were living in a way counter to the teachings of the church. This went on for 35-40 minutes, they would shoot off a question, mostly inappropriate and none of their business... And we would answer, often asking "Why do you care?" There was one guy in particular, who I know didn't understand the point of the class. He was so convinced that he was right, and that it was a joke. I really wanted to smack his smirk off of his face, and kick him. His smug attitude was so off putting, that his otherwise attractive visage was becoming gruesome to look at. It was an act of mercy when the teacher called a halt and sent us to our seats. The end result was this: most of the people reevaluated their attitudes about people that are different. Some of the people kept their righteous pride, and security in their salvation. Myself, I stayed the same. After the discussion, the teacher interjected that not one student welcomed these new students to the school. At which point, one student said "Welcome to BYU-Idaho."

This post is not about being gay. Nor is it about religion, though if you want to profess belonging to one or another it behooves you to actually learn your church's stance on everything. What I am writing about is how we treat each other. As I performed that role, I found myself growing increasingly irritated and offended by the conversation and the tenor it was taking. Somehow the other students got it into their minds that the point of the discussion was to browbeat the panel. This was so wrong, in so many ways. The point was to make the students think about how they treat others, and what they think as they judge people who are different. Their inappropriate questions, clumsy attempts at convincing us to "change our wicked ways," the discussion about salvation and the direction we wanted to take with our partners in the relationship... All illustrated the general ignorance and deeply rooted prejudices the people had.

The following class we discussed what had happened in the previous one. We talked about the veiled hostility, the defensiveness on both sides, the ignorance of doctrine that was being quoted. I knew I had been a bit harsh and somewhat antagonistic. My purpose in that was to make these people think. Going in I had a real fear that some day one of these people would have their child come out to them, and be rejected by their parent. It was an unbearable thought, and if my being a bit aggressive and poking at their weak stances could prevent even one family from shattering by the means of pride, then my work was finished. One thing the teacher brought up, was that the school does in fact have many homosexual students, and they don't dare come out to people on campus out of fear of being treated exactly the way they treated the panel. I recently read a blog post that very concisely says what I am trying to say. This is what I would say, if I were better at writing. This expresses what is in my heart. The author is so right, and I hope this will spread abroad.

It isn't about tolerance, or religion. It isn't about who is going to heaven, or hell. It certainly isn't about politics. It is about Love. It doesn't matter who you are attracted to. It doesn't matter what color your skin is. It doesn't matter what your religion is, whether it be any religion or the religion of non-religion. It doesn't matter who you voted for in the last election. What does matter is how you treat your fellow beings. What matters is keeping families together with love. What matters is treating everyone with respect and dignity. At the end of the day, do you want to be known as the person who is filled with righteous hate and anger, or the person who is loving and gentle? You decide.

The air is filled with a thick cloud of fog. I do see a light in the horizon, very far away. I think we'll have a long way to go, to reach it... But I think we can make it.

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The Tallgurrl