Monday, March 8, 2010

Its a Small World... Afterall

In my case it is the 6 degrees of Mormonism

I LOVE the six degrees of separation. It is such a fun game to play. Through my college application process, I've come to love it even more... That is the six degrees of separation Mormon version. While doing the ecclesiastical endorsement for BYU-Idaho entrance, I had an interesting conversation with both the member of the stake presidency, and my bishop. Apparently each brother served in a bishopric with the current president of BYU-I, and even keeps in touch. After I completed my interviews, I did a happy dance all the way to my car. Its been about 6 years since I attended classes there, and I was worried about being re-accepted. I'm not saying that I want to get strings pulled for me... (Not that that can even be done anyway) What I am saying is that it is a very interesting thing that both of my interviews were with men who were friends with the president of the university I am applying to. That's all I've got...
Amen ;-p

Please comment and share. I love your input.


The Tallgurrl

1 comment:

singlemormonchick said...

i love six degrees of seperation. i see it in my life all the time, big and small.