Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Little Things

Tonight I want to talk about the things that I am grateful for, and the things I look forward to. You see, there comes a time, hopefully often, when one ponders their life circumstance and looks at all the great blessings that came along the way. I have a few tough circumstances: currently my foot has many stitches in it, and I am not allowed to walk on it for another 2.5 weeks; I really only work for 4 months per year, because the rest of the year I am in school full time; I live/go to school in a fairly remote area. The thing is, each of these circumstances is a hidden blessing of its own.

My foot with stitches is a great blessing. Had I not complained of the pain, my doctor would never have thought to do the CT scan that showed that my initial surgery was not successful. I was blessed to have a second surgery, which will have a shorter recovery time than the first one did. Rather than just amputate my foot, I get to have a plate in it, and will be able to have full usage of my foot when fully healed.

Working for only 4 months a year is actually a great blessing. Firstly, I have a job!!! Secondly, I earn a goodly wage, for a college student. Being in school is a HUGE blessing. Earning my degree will make me a more marketable employee, and increase my paycheck by a bit. My university is a fairly well known one. Having their name on the top of my degree will be a good thing. It is much more impressive to employers than merely my high school diploma.

The remote location of my school is another great blessing. I am able to see all of the stars on a clear night. There is a down-home feel here that is impossible to find in a city. The locals, whilst being mildly irked by the annoying college students, they are very kind and good natured. There is virtually no pollution in this area. Oh yeah, I almost forgot one thing: Idaho potatoes. They are abundant and quite inexpensive.

I decided tonight that I wanted to be grateful because I realized that on Friday my stitches will be removed, and I will finally be able to get my foot wet. It has been difficult to keep clean, but the improvisation and creativity has made it possible and very amusing. I have been washing my hair in the kitchen sink, for instance. I can't help but laugh about it, because I am mobile by using a scooter that I rest my injured leg on and push with my healthy leg. Imagine being parked on this scooter, right in front of a kitchen sink, with dripping wet/soapy hair leaning over said sink... Can't help it, right? A little chuckle? I keep meaning to put a bell, or chime, or horn on the scooter. If I had it for longer than 4 weeks, the plan was to Bedazzle it. Alas, it will be only a short-term part of my life. It was a blessing to be able to use it. I could have done crutches, but that could have been painful over time. The scooter was a perfect solution.

Have you ever looked at your life and found unexpected blessings? Did the guy at the farm stand give you extra produce for free? Did someone let you ahead in a line? Maybe you just found $5 in your pants pocket? When we look for the little things, and choose to be happy, life is much more joyous to exist in.

Today was a pseudo-Indian Summer. The day warmed to unusual temperatures, cooling off in the evening. There may not be many more days like this one, so best get your fall camping trips planned.

Please leave comments, and share with your loved ones and friends.

Thank you,

The Tallgurrl

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